Accelerating the recovery of the European Eel

SVT ‘The Last Eel’ nominated for the ‘Great Journalist Award’ – FishEco

Sven Bergman, Ola Christoffersson and Erik Palm from Uppdrag Granskning SVT are the creators of the program ‘The Last Eel‘, which has now been nominated for the Great Journalist Prize!
Read the full article here, translated into English below – with a comment from Ingemar Alenäs.
Watch the original documentary here

Sista Ålen nominerat till Stora Journalistpriset!

Sven Bergman, Ola Christoffersson och Erik Palm från Uppdrag Granskning SVT är upphovsmännen till programmet Den sista ålen som nu nominerats till Stora Journalistpriset! En film som fick svenska folket att äntligen reagera på bland annat vattenkraftens förödande effekt på den biologiska mångfalden. I programmet både medverkade och deltog sportfiskeprofilen, filmmakaren och mycket annat, Martin […]

Sven Bergman, Ola Christoffersson and Erik Palm from Uppdrag Granskning SVT are the creators of the program The Last Eel, which has now been nominated for the Great Journalist Prize!
A film that made the Swedish people finally react to, among other things, hydropower’s devastating effect on biodiversity. In the program, the sport fishing profile, the film maker and much more, Martin Falklind, the biologist and firebrand Ingemar Alenäs and others both took part in the program.
The jury’s justification for the nomination in the category Narrator of the Year 2022 reads:
“With both heart and reason, the floodgates are opened to the great question of humanity’s destiny in a dizzying journey from ancient times to the present.”
We are of course keeping our fingers crossed for Sista Ålen!
//Jan O FishEco